Dikt av Fatemeh Ekhtesari

Litteratur for inkludering

On March 20, 2018, a literary event featuring the poetry of Fatemeh Ekhtesari took place. The theme of the event, organized by “Litteratur for inkludering” (Literature for Inclusion), centred around feminism for the month of March. Fatemeh Ekhtesari, an Iranian poet and activist, had gained notoriety for her activism and faced legal consequences.

In 2015, she was sentenced to 99 lashes and eleven and a half years of imprisonment for the alleged offense of shaking hands with a person of the opposite gender. Despite these challenges, on March 6, 2018, Fatemeh Ekhtesari actively participated in the event titled “Poesi og dagens feminisme” (Poetry and Contemporary Feminism). Additionally, she was involved in another event on March 9, titled “Kjønn og feminisme i persisk litteratur” (Gender and Feminism in Persian Literature).

Her presence extended beyond these events, as on March 7, 2018, Fatemeh Ekhtesari visited Trondheim Katedralskole, where she engaged with students, discussing poetry and feminism. Despite the legal hardships she faced, her involvement in these events reflected her commitment to the cause and her willingness to contribute to the discourse on gender and feminism.


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